Connection Properties

Connection Properties

Once a Geodatabase Connection String has been created in the Lucity Administration tool, it can be modified in the geodatabase configuration too. When a user selects a Geodatabase connection component on the left the Connection Properties tab will be populated on the right:

Geodatabase config tool

Workspace Type:

This field is locked and can only be changed in the Lucity Admin Tool. It controls which part of this form are activated.

Personal Geodatabase

Database location - specify the path to the personal geodatabase

  • click the ... to navigate to the database location

File Geodatabase

Database location - specify the path to the file geodatabase

  • click the ... to navigate to the location

Enterprise Geodatabase

The connection to an SDE Database. More information about collecting SDE connection info


The name of the server that holds the SDE database.


The name of the instance for the SDE database.  This supports either spatial or direct connections.

  • Spatial Connect: This field should contain the port where ArcSDE is installed. By default this is typically 5151. Do not include the /tcp identifier; enter only the port number.
  • Direct Connect: Enter the name of the direct connect driver and the name of the server instance.
    • SQL Server example: "sde:sqlserver:GIS_SERVER\DATA"
    • Oracle example: "sde:Oracle11g:GIS_SERVER\DATA"


This must contain the name of the SQL Server geodatabase. The database listed in this field is not the sde repository database. Instead, it is the geodatabase that contains the infrastructure data that you want to integrate with the desktop.

  • For Oracle geodatabases this must be blank.

Database Authentication

Lucity users a specified set of credentials to authenticate with the geodatabase.



  •  If using DB authentication a user must be specified. This user must have permission to ALL feature classes linked to Lucity.
  • If using DB authentication type a password must be specified for the user.

Operation System Auth

Lucity uses the current windows account to authenticate with the geodatabase.


This information is always required; it designates the name of the ArcSDE version that Lucity will use when connecting to the geodatabase. For Oracle, the Version is case sensitive.

Test Connection

Tests the Connection to the Geodatabase using the information provided in the Enterprise Geodatabase Connection Properties.

Edit Map Service

Stores The URL for a default map service that will be used to push updates from Lucity to the Geodatabase and the Geodatabase to Lucity. This map service will be used to pass updates for all feature classes unless they have an Alternate Feature Service specified on their Edit Map Service Tab.



Credentials for accessing the Edit Map Service if it is a secured service.

Test Connection

Test the connection to the geodatabase using the Edit Map Service URL (and credentials if entered)

Update From Lucity:

Check this box if the selected geodatabase should be updated with edits made in the Lucity desktop, web, and mobile interfaces.

Replica Geodatabase:

Check this box if the selected geodatabase is a replica.

Note: The connection information is used in ArcMap to verify that the features are related to Lucity and to find feature classes that are missing but that are needed to run a tool. (ex The Work Location Viewer needs to plot sewer pipes but they aren't in the map.

How to View/Change Geodatabase Connection properties

  1. Within the Geodatabase Configuration the left side of the window lists all the geodatabase connections that are currently configured with Lucity.
  2. Click on a geodatabase connection to select it.
  3. On the right side the Connection Properties/Version Setup tabs will appear
  4. Make any necessary changes
  5. Check a box indicating whether this geodatabase should update Lucity, or whether it is a replica gdb.
  6. Click the Test Connection button to see if Lucity can connect to the geodatabase using he provided information.

    Note: If there are no connections configured use the Lucity Administration Tool to create a new connection prior to using this tool.

In This Section

Collecting SDE Connection String Information