Validating the Geodatabase Configuration

Once a geodatabase is configured it is good idea to check to make sure that there are no problems with links between Lucity and the geodatabase. This helps insure that all the expected data will be transfered. To run a check there is a Validate tool within the geodatabase configuration. This tool can either be run against the entire geodatabase or an individual feature class. This tool can also be run against a replica geodatabase, or feature class. However, any errors detected on the replica should be fixed in the DEFAULT geodatabase's configuration.

There are several parts to the geodatabase verification. The first is a verification of the geodatabase setup based on Lucity requirements. If no critical errors are encountered during that verification it will continue to the verification. The second part checks the geodatabase to ensure that the setup is valid based on the geodatabase data structure. It checks feature class names, field names, and field types.

How To Run a Validation check

  1. Select the geodatabase connection, OR the feature class to be checked
  2. Right-click on the selected geodatabase OR feature class and select the Validation tool
  3. The tool will immediately begin to run the first part of the validation and results will be displayed in a validation window.

    Validation results

  4. If the first part of the validation passes the second part of the validation will immediately start and the results will be shown in the same validation window.
  5. The third part verifies that:
  6. If the Validation Passes the following message will be displayed


  7. After the Validation is complete it can be reviewed. Users can select and copy the results. They can also use the File menu to Print, Save, or Email the Results to Lucity Support.

    Note: The amount of time the Validation takes depends on whether it is being run against a feature class and the entire geodatabase. If it is run against the entire geodatabase it depends on how many features classes are linked to Lucity.

    Note: Any Errors or Warnings found during a validation of a replica should be fixed in the DEFAULT geodatabase. These changes will automatically update the replica configuration.