Special Functions

Below is a list of fields in the Defaults tab that have additional functionality regarding notifications.

Field Name

Special Function(s)

Default Task

When the problem is selected on a work order the Main Task is automatically filled out using the value selected here.


When the problem is selected on a work order or request and no category is set the Category field will be filled out using the value selected here.

Overdue Days

Note: This field only applies to the Requests module.

The Overdue Days field allows you to specify the number of days before an overdue notification regarding the request will be sent.

Note: It is important to populate this field as the follow-up date (in the Requests module) is based on the recorded date + the number of days overdue.

Overdue Notification

Note: This field only applies to the Requests module.

The Overdue Notification field allows you to specify which email notification will be automatically sent when the request is considered "overdue".

Note: Only email notifications can be sent regarding overdue problems. Notifications are processed on the server each night at a time specified by the system administrator. The overdue notification is always sent to the email address for the supervisor assigned to the Request. You can send the notification to additional recipients by including their email addresses in the Notifications module Recipient List; however, additional addresses are not required.  Overdue notifications may be overridden in the request module by checking the “Override Overdue Notification” checkbox.

Cust Thank You Box

The Customer Thank You box, if marked, signifies that a thank you email will be sent to the requester(s) listed in the request whenever this problem is selected from the pick list.

Note: While all notifications are created in the Notifications module, the default Customer Thank You email is specified under the Advanced Tab in Work Options.

See the Customer Notifications section for more details.

Cust Completed

The Customer Completed box, if marked, signifies that a completed email will be sent to the requester(s) when the request or resulting work order status is marked as complete.

Note: While all notifications are created in the Notifications module, the default Customer Complete email is specified under the Advanced Tab in Work Options.

See the Customer Notifications section for more details.