General Tab

This tab allows you to include basic information about each employee.  You can select the Employee Code from the Work Flow Setup, Employee pick list.  This allows you to associate this personnel record with your employee records in Work.  In addition, you can record the employee's title, department, phone number, email, status, and status date.  

This tab also features space to display two images:  One for the employee picture ID, and a second for the employee's signature.  To include images of either the Photo or Signature, complete the following:

  1. All Personnel image files (photos and signatures) must be included in the Person Library in the client ini file. For example:


    DIR:Person Library=T:\TestData\Images\PersonLib

    Note: In place of T:\TestData\Images\PersonLib, enter the proper path to the PersonLib in your network.

  2. Click on the Photo or Signature buttons to search for the file name in the specified image location. Since all image files must be included in the Person Library, you will not be able to include a path to another image location.
  3. The image and file name will appear on the General tab.

    Note: For versions 6.75 and above, these images will be stored in a default directory (\Images\PersonLib). Prior to v. 6.75, you will need to manually create this directory and change the .ini settings so that the system knows where these files are stored.