Site Inventory Header Data

At the top of the module window you will see header data. This data remains at the top of your screen as you use the tabs to navigate through the record. The header fields are described in the table below:

Field Name


Site Record No

This field contains a number automatically generated by the system.

Site ID

This field allows you to create a unique, user-defined identifier for your site. Press F5 to auto populate this field.

Site Name

This field allows you to create a unique site name.

Operating Status

This code-description field allows you to indicate the facility site's status. Any site with a status code above 950 is considered out-of-service. Anything below 950 is considered operational.


This is a user-defined pick list.

Property ID Tag

This Field allows users to associate the site with an address record in the Address Module found under General > Customers > Address. Click the Property ID Tag button or click in the field and press F9 to select an address record from the pick list.

Note: The Site ID is required in order to save the record.