Conduit Information Tab

The Conduit Information tab allows you to document general information about the conduit, such as its shape, size, slope, and the material it's made of. Some fields have special functionality. These fields are described below.

Note: Some fields will be automatically populated with data from the conduit's inventory record.

Field Name


Conduit Dir

The direction the conduit faces, i.e. north, south, 3 o'clock, 10 o'clock.

Pipe Shape

This field features a pre-defined list of shapes. Although you can add shapes to the list and modify them, you cannot modify any of the pre-defined shapes in the list.


This field should only be used when the pipe shape (as defined in the Pipe Shape field) is not round.

Lt Side Slope - V fields

The approximate ratio of rise to run of the left bank of an open channel while looking from upstream to downstream.

Rt Side Slope - V fields

The approximate ratio of rise to run of the right bank of an open channel while looking from upstream to downstream.


The length of the conduit from the upstream structure to the next downstream structure.

Length Status

The source from where the length measurement was taken, i.e. as-built drawings, GPS points, record drawings.



These code-description pick lists allow you to indicate the type of material and liner used in the construction of the conduit.

Rim to Crown (ft)

The vertical measurement of the conduit.

Ang Rim/Inv (ft)

When completing only a surface inspection of the conduit, this is the measured distance from the center of the rim to the invert of the pipe (in feet).

Angled Offset (in)

When completing only a surface inspection of the conduit, this is the estimated horizontal distance from the center of the manhole opening to the pipe invert where the angled rim to invert distance was measured (in inches).

Rim to Invert (ft)

If the rim to crown and diameter are greater than zero, the program adds the diameter to the rim to crown distance. Or, if the angled rim to invert is greater than zero, the program calculates the invert distance based on the angled rim to invert and offset distance using the Pythagorean theorem. Otherwise, the rim to invert is zero.

Flow Depth (in)

The total depth of liquid and obstructions, in inches, measured to the nearest quarter inch.

Debris Depth (in)

The approximate depth of the obstructions flowing/settling in the conduit (in inches).

Debris Type

The type of obstructions observed in the conduit during the inspection.

Flow Velocity

Flow speed in the conduit (feet per second).


Whether the inspector recommends cleaning for the conduit.


Whether the conduit needs to have a television inspection performed.