Source Details Tab

The Source Details fields document the quantity of smoke observed during the test, the size of the area that drains to the observation site, and the exact location of the defect. The tab also details runoff factors and flow rate information.

Several fields have special functions, which are described below:

Field Name


Runoff Factor

Use this field to enter a value of one (1) to five (5) that relates to runoff coefficients in the user-defined Inspection Setup module. These coefficients are used to calculate an inflow rate.

Flow Rate (gpm)

Flow is measured in gallons per minute (GPM), and GPM is calculated as: Q = CIA. The area is the length multiplied by the width. The rainfall intensity is the one-year rainfall intensity value stored in the Inspection Setup. The runoff coefficient is stored in the Inspection Setup correlating to the runoff factor.



Q = Flow

C = Coefficient of runoff based on type of character and surface

I = Intensity of rainfall

A = Area (in acres)

Flow Rate Lock

Check this box when you have the flow rate set, and you don't want the flow rate changed or recalculated based on new information you may add to the record.

% I/I Removed

The percent of infiltration and inflow that was removed due to the rehabilitation. This value is required to calculate the Remaining GPM.

Remaining GPM

The amount of flow remaining after rehabilitation. This field is calculated based on the % of I/I removed and the Flow Rate GPM.