Defect Summary Tab

The Defect Summary tab is used to document the repair status of each structure component and record MH (manhole) Test results.  This tab also tracks the infiltration and inflow status of the structure.  Tab fields are described below:

Defect Summary

Field/Column Name



The amount of infiltration and inflow (gallons per minute for each item), which is based on information from the Defects tab and the Inspection Setup module. Data in this column are column read-only and populated automatically.

% I/I Removed

The percentage of inflow and infiltration that was removed from each sewer structure component.

Total GPM

The total estimated GPM, based on either the flow ratings assigned, the values in the Inspection Setup module, or the actual flow observed (whichever is greater).

Remaining GPM

The amount of flow remaining after the manhole was rehabilitated.


The sum of the flow defect ratings. This figure is calculated automatically.


The sum of structural defects using the values from the Inspection Setup module.

Structural Repair

The methods used to rehabilitate the different parts of the structure.

MH Tests

  • H2S
  • O2
  • CO
  • LEL (lower explosive level)

These fields allow users to record results when testing the air in the structure. Allows the user to include values for H2S, O2, CO, and LEL (lower explosive level).