General 1 Tab

The General 1 tab fields enable users to specify the type of connection for the service lateral, as well as additional connection information, structure information, the installation date, and the source of the data. Several fields in this tab have special functions, which are described below:

Field Name

Special Function

Dist from Structure

Records the distance, in feet, from either the downstream or upstream structure to the service connection.

Note: The data in this field is used to calculate the Dist from DS Structure field.

Measured From

Indicates whether the distance recorded in the field above was measured from the upstream structure to the downstream structure (US to DS) or from the downstream structure to the upstream structure (DS to US).

Note: The data in this field is used to calculate the Dist from DS Structure field.

Dist from DS Struct

Reflects the distance, in feet, from the downstream structure to the service connection.

Note: This field is automatically calculated by the system and is based on the information in the two previous fields.

Angle from Main

Stores the direction of the lateral from the sewer main, as measured with the downstream structure as the 0 axis. Looking at the downstream structure with the lateral perpendicular to the sewer main on the left, the angle is 90 degrees. If the lateral is perpendicular on the right, the angle is 270 degrees (or -90 degrees). This is a direction relative to the sewer main; this is not a cardinal direction.

Note: This field is used by the Sewer Toolkit to export service laterals.

Risk Calculation

Risk calculations are a way for agencies to evaluate where potential weak spots in their infrastructure are.


Rates how important the asset is. This rating should be a whole number based on a scale that the agency uses. A higher number means more risk.

Example: On a scale of 1 to 100 this asset is pretty import so it has a Criticality score of 85.

Probability of Failure

Rates how likely the asset is to fail. This rating should be less than one because it represents a percentage.

Example: This asset will only fail about 5% of the time so it has a Probability of Failure of (5/100) = .05


Rates any factors that have been put into place to mitigate the failure of the asset. This rating should be less than one because it represents a percentage.

Example: To offset the failure of this asset we have a backup, though it will only make up for about 30% of the loss. This asset has a mitigation score of (30/100) = .3


Represents how much risk the asset represents. Calculated based on: (Consequence of Failure x Probability of Failure x Mitigation).

Example: This asset represents a 85 x .05 x .3 = 1.275 risk to the system.