Details Tab

The Details tab records information about the travel activity documented in this record, including the associated department, the activity, and a description of the travel.



Ending Odometer

Ending Hourmeter

Display the meter readings at the time the vehicle was returned. The system uses this information to update the vehicle's Current Meter reading.

These fields are populated in one of two ways.

  • Manually - If these fields are filled out manually they will be used to calculate the Mileage and Hours Used fields using the following formulas.

    Ending Odometer - Starting Odometer = Mileage

    Ending Hourmeter - Starting Hourmeter = Hours Used

    • The General > General Option > In Travel Log, Allow Entering of Miles-Hours option must be disabled.
  • Automatically - These fields are calculated using the following formulas

    Starting Odometer + Mileage = Ending Odometer

    Starting Hourmeter + Hours Used = Ending Hourmeter

    • The General > General Option > In Travel Log, Allow Entering of Miles-Hours option must be enabled.

Note: If the Ending Odometer or Ending Hourmeter fields are populated and the value of the corresponding Starting field is 0, the system displays a prompt to question whether the data is correct. This warning helps prevent users from entering data in the wrong fields.

Starting Odometer

Starting Hourmeter

Display the meter readings at the time the vehicle was checked out. The system automatically completes these fields using the Current Meter reading from the Fleet Inventory record when user selects the Fleet ID. Note, however, these fields can be modified.


Hours Used

The mileage the vehicle incurred and/or the amount of time it was used.

These fields are populated in one of two ways.

  • Manually - If these fields are filled out manually they will be used to calculate the Ending Odometer and Ending Hourmeter fields using the following formulas.

    Starting Odometer + Mileage = Ending Odometer

    Starting Hourmeter + Hours Used = Ending Hourmeter

    • The General > General Option > In Travel Log, Allow Entering of Miles-Hours option must be enabled.
  • Automatically - These fields are calculated using the following formulas

    Ending Odometer - Starting Odometer = Mileage

    Ending Hourmeter - Starting Hourmeter = Hours Used

    • The General > General Option > In Travel Log, Allow Entering of Miles-Hours option must be disabled.
    • Note: If the Ending Odometer or Ending Hourmeter fields are populated and the value of the corresponding Starting field is 0, the system displays a prompt to question whether the data is correct. This warning helps prevent users from entering data in the wrong fields.

Fleet Data

The system automatically completes this field using data from the Fleet Inventory record when the user selects a Fleet ID.

Last Modified By

Last Modified Date

Displays the user ID of the user who last updated the record and the date of the change. The system automatically records this information when the record is saved.

Note:  When a Travel Log record is saved, the system automatically updates the Current Date on the Fleet Inventory > Eval tab if the record's End Date is more recent.

Note: If two or more Travel Log records are entered for the same date for the same vehicle, the highest meter reading and most recent date/time values are displayed on the Eval tab.