Travel Log Header Data

The header fields contain general information to identify, describe, and locate each record. It appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name


Fleet ID *

Links the Travel Log record with a Fleet Inventory record by choosing an existing Fleet ID. Click on a field name or press F9 within a field for a list of Fleet Inventory records.

Log Record#

The system-defined ID for this record.


Records who drove the vehicle. The selections in this list come from the Work > Work Flow Setup > Employee module.

Start Date

End Date *

These fields allow users to indicate the beginning and ending dates and times for the Travel Log record.

Note: The Starting Date nor the Ending Date can be a date in the future.

* Required

Note:  Saving Travel Log records automatically updates the Fleet Inventory > Eval tab if the End Date is more recent than the existing Current Date on the Eval tab.