Fueling Tab

The Fueling tab tracks general information about the cost of fueling a vehicle as well as detailed fueling records for the vehicle. At the top of the tab are several summary fields.



Fuel Total Units

Calculates the sum of the Fuel Amount fields for all fueling records found in the grid.

Fuel Total Cost

Calculates the sum of the Total Fuel Cost fields for all fueling records found in the grid.

Total Fluid Cost

Calculates the sum of the Other Fluids fields for all fueling records found in the grid.

Below the summary fields is the grid that displays all the fueling records related to the vehicle.

A sample of the grid appears below.


How To Add a Fueling Record

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The Fleet Fueling module will open.
  2. Enter the Current Reading Date (required).
  3. Complete all other desired fields.
  4. Save and close the record. The fueling record will appear in the grid.

    Note: The Fleet ID is also required but is generated automatically when a record is added through the Fueling tab.

More information about Fleet Fueling records