Tasks Tab

The Tasks tab allows users to log miscellaneous problems associated with a vehicle.  Later, when someone is assigned perform maintenance on the vehicle, he or she will have a list of all the needed work.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order. The functions in the grid allow user to view, add, edit, or delete the record.


How To Log a Task

  1. Right-click in the Task grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    Fleet Tasks

  2. Enter the problem in the Problem Text field.
  3. Select a Status from the pick list.
  4. Enter the Initiated Date (required).
  5. Add any comments in the text box provided.
  6. Save and close the record.