Daily Work Inspection Header Data

At the top of the module window you will see header data. This data remains at the top of your screen as you use the tabs to navigate through the record. The header fields are described in the table below:

Field Name


Daily Inspect Rec ID

This ID is automatically entered by the system. It uniquely identifies the Daily Work Inspection record.

Work Order #

This field is used to tie this inspection record to a particular Work Order.

Note: You can create as many inspection records as necessary for each work order.

Record Locked

This checkbox allows supervisors to lock the record after it has been approved. This disables all editing functions in this module for other users.

Note: This is a Restricted field. Only supervisors or system administrators should have rights to edit restricted fields. Rights to this field would allow certain qualified users to turn the lock on or off in order to edit the record. For additional information on setting rights to restricted fields, consult the Security help guide.

Inspection Status

This user-defined, code-description field allows you to indicate the status of the Daily Work Inspection. Any changes to the Inspection Status will be recorded in the Tracking tab.

Report #

This number is generated by the system; however, it can be edited by the user if more than one inspector needs to create a Daily Work Inspection for the same project on the same day. It is used to reflect the number of work days for the project.

Inspection Date

This field is used to record the date the inspection took place.


This field is used to record the name of the employee who performed the inspection.

Important: All header fields in this module except for the Inspection Status are required in order to save the record.

As the inspection records are tied to work orders, you cannot enter a Work Order # that does not already exist. You may enter a number by using one of the following three methods: