Customer Address Header Data

The Customer Address header fields contain general information used to identify, describe, and locate each facility. It appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name


Address ID

Represents the system-generated, unique identification number for the record.

Property ID

Specifies the property ID for the location, which is used to link the address to Utility modules. The Property ID is required when an address is used as an asset on a Work Order or Request.


Indicates whether the location represents a commercial or noncommercial client. This checkbox is automatically marked if the Business Name field is populated.

Business Name

Identifies the name of the company at the location/address. If this field is populated, the system assumes that the address is commercial and automatically marks the Commercial checkbox.

Out of Area

Flags that this address is outside of the agencies list of valid streets, and enables users to save the address even though the Street name is invalid. The functionality of the field is based on a General Option.

Invalid Address

Indicates that the address contains an invalid street address. This field is read-only.


Indicate the street address for the facility. The address fields are used to link this record to certain Utility records.

The Street Name field is checked against the Street Name List module for validity. If a user enters a Street Name that is not on the list, the field displays the text in red. This validation function is based on a General Option. Click the Address button or click in the field and press F9 for a pop-up list of valid street names.

*Required field.

Note: For more information about standard address formats, see the Address Tab help topic.