Categories Tab

The Categories tab contains detailed information about the Work Flow category.




The user-defined code and description for the Work Flow category.


Indicates whether the Category is a general classification of work or is tied to a specific inventory within Lucity.

Common Name

Indicates which inventory is associated with the Category when the Classification is set to Inventory Items.

UOM Type

Indicates how work is counted when this category is used.

  • Count - Used when work is measured by individual objects. Example: Crew A worked on five sewer structures today.
  • Sum - Used when work is measured in sections of an Asset based on one of the Asset's attributes. Example: Crew A worked on five sewer pipes or 426 feet of sewer pipe today.

UOM Field

Indicates which field in the Asset Inventory module the system should add together when the UOM Type is Sum.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure used for this type of work.

Account #

The financial account linked to the Work Flow category.

Proj No - Acct

A project number linked to the Work Flow category.






The entity (department, division, etc.) responsible for this work. When a user creates a Work Order or Request and selects the Category, the system automatically imports this information into the record.