Inspection Info Tab

The Inspection Info tab is used to record inspection information related to the illicit discharge. Users can record the name and phone number of the investigator assigned to the problem, the date the investigation began, and the remediation date. In addition, several user-defined code-description fields are provided to indicate the category, the discharge source, the containment method, and the affected watershed.

Several fields in this tab have special functions, which are described below:

Field Name


Pipe Rec #

Identifies the sewer pipe associated with the illicit discharge. Click the field caption button or press F9 for list of Sewer Structure records.

Upstream Structure

Downstream Structure

Identifies the upstream and downstream structures associated with the illicit discharge. When the user selects a Pipe Rec # in the field above, the system automatically provides the corresponding upstream and downstream structure numbers.

Invest 1-8

Track additional information related to the investigation. For flexibility, the first four of these user-defined fields are text fields; the last four fields are code-description fields. See your system administrator for additional information regarding customization.