Material Requisition Header Data

The Material Requisition header fields contain general information used to identify and describe the material being requested. The header appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Requisition No

The system-generated, unique identifier for the requisition. This number is generated by the system based on criteria established in the Material Requisition Number setup.


The current state of the requisition.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year associated with this requisition.

Entered By

The employee who made the request. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of employees from the Employee Setup module.


The department that will use the material.

General Commodity

A user-defined list of categories of materials.

General Description

A description of the required material.

Needed By Date

The date on which the material is required.

Entered Date *

The date the requisition was added to the system.

Work Order #

The work order associated with the required materials. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of work orders from the Work Order module. The system automatically completes this field if the Requisition is created from a Work Order.

* Required field.