Plant Processes Header Data

The Plant Processes header contains general information used to identify, describe, and locate each process. The header appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.



Plant ID **

The user-defined, unique identifier for the plant where the process takes place.

Plant Name

Identifies the plant by name. The system automatically completes this field when the user selects a Plant ID.

Plant Process Rec #

The system-defined, unique identifier for the process.

Process Sequence

The order of this process in sequence.

Process ID*

A unique ID for the process


A unique code for the processes place within the plant.

Process Text*

The purpose of the process, as chosen from a user-defined pick list.

Operating Status

The current status of the process. Values < 950 are considered 'In Service'. Values >= 950 or considered 'Out of Service'.

  • This is automatically set to 952 - Parent Out of Service when the Parent Out of Service field is marked.

Parent Out of Service

  • Indicates that a parent process or plant's Operating Status > 950.
  • Marked automatically when a parent process or plant's Operating Status > 950.
  • Unmarked automatically when the parent process or plant's Operating Status < 950. This will not happen if the process has another parent that is still out of service.

* Required field.
* Must form a unique combination.