Setup Info Tab

The Setup Info tab tracks and records inspection data in compliance with PACP (Pipe Assessment Certification Program) standards. Most of the fields record general information, such as the name of the individual conducting the survey, the owner of the collection system surveyed, and the entity commissioning the survey. There are also several fields which are specific to PACP inspections:

Field Name


Media Label

Unique identifier for tape/media.


Importance of sewer.

Flow Control

Type of restriction of flow used.

Sheet No.

Number used to identify individual surveys performed within a group.

Year Built

Year the surveyed sewer was constructed.

Year Renewed

Year the surveyed sewer was renewed.

US/DS Rim to Invert

Distance from rim to invert of upstream/downstream manhole. Measured in feet and tenths of ft or meters to 1 decimal place.

US/DS Grade to Invert

Distance from average grade to invert of upstream/downstream manhole. Measured in feet and tenths of ft or meters to 1 decimal place.

US/DS Rim to Grade

Distance from rim to average grade of upstream/downstream manhole. Measured in feet and tenths of ft or meters to 1 decimal place.

Certificate #

NASSCO PACP number of the surveyor.

Pre-Cleaning Date

Date any preparatory cleaning was performed.


Type of preparatory cleaning conducted prior to survey.


Weather conditions when survey was conducted.

Note: All fields in this tab are optional.