WO Defaults Tab

The Work Order (WO) Defaults tab contains multiple fields that allow you to enter additional default information about a task. Then when the task is selected as a main task in a work order, this information will be auto-populated into the work order.

Shared Fields

A shared field is one that shares a field caption and/or pick list with another field. Below is a list of shared fields in the WO Default tab of the Work Tasks module.

Field Name

Shared Modules


Work (Work Orders, Requests, PM Template, Problems, and the Tasks module)


Work (Work Orders, Planning- Department and Task modules, Requests, PM Template, Work Flow Setup-Classification, Employees, Equipment, Fluids, Materials, Problems, and Tasks)


Work (Work Flow Setup-Classification and Tasks modules, Work Orders, Planning-Department and Task modules, and PM Template)


Work(Work Flow Setup- Classification and Tasks modules, Work Orders, Planning- Department and Task modules, and PM Template)


Work (Work Flow Setup- Classification and Tasks modules, Work Orders, Planning- Department and Task modules, and PM Template)


Work (Work Flow Setup- Classification and Tasks modules, Work Orders, Planning- Department and Task modules, and PM Template)

Special Functions

Below is a list of fields in the WO Defaults tab that have additional functionality.

Field Name

Special Function(s)

Est. Task Duration

The Estimated Task Duration field allows you to specify the number of hours it will take to complete that task.

Note: This field is used to calculate the projected completion date; therefore, it must be populated if overdue notifications are to be sent.

Project Compl Lock

This will automatically check the Lock field on the Work Order > Costs tab. This will stop the Projected Completion date from being changed after it is calculated.