Building Assessment Header Data

The header data appear at the top of the module window. The header fields contain general information to identify, describe, and locate each asset. It appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name


Building ID *

This field allows users to link the assessment to a building in the Building Inventory module. To access the pick list, click on the field caption button or press F9.

Inspection Date *

Records the date that the assessment occurred on.

Surveyor Name

Allows users to indicate who performed the assessment.

Building Replacement Cost

This is automatically filled when the Building ID is filled out. It is populated from the Building Inventory module on Costs tab using the Replace Cost field.

Standard Deduction %

This is a standard deduction that will automatically be removed from the replacement cost. For example if an agency knows that a new building it will actually cost a fixed percentage more that the replacement cost to build, or that it will lose a set percentage of value after being built they would enter that percentage into this field.

  • Populate this field by holding down Ctrl and Right-clicking in the field. Select Field Properties. In the Default Value field

Condition Deduction %

This is the percentage of the building replacement cost that the building is currently worth. It is automatically calculated from the Total Points Earned and Total Points Available fields at the bottom of the assessment tab.

1 - (Total Points Earned/Total Points Available) = Condition Deduction

Building Assessed Value

This is the current value of the building taking the Building Replacement Cost, Standard Deduction, and Condition Deduction into account. It is auto-calculated using the following formula.

Building Replacement Cost x [(1 - Standard Deduction) / 100] x (Condition Deduction / 100) = Building Assessed Value

* Required Field