Sewer IPT Notifications

The Sewer IPT Facilities module offers a notification feature to quickly send e-mails to the parties responsible for facilities that are part of the FOG program. This feature could be used to send reminders to perform tests, submit maintenance logs, or complete corrective actions.


Who receives a IPT Facility notification?

What triggers a IPT Facility notification?

Where is a IPT Facility notification set up?

How to Set Up Notifications

  1. Create an e-mail template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values:


  2. After creating the notification template, go to Sewer > Environmental Compliance > Industrial Pretreatment > Facilities.
  3. Set up a filter of FOG Facility records to send e-mails messages to.
  4. On the Contacts tab, make sure the Contact Email and/or Owner Email field contains the contact's e-mail address.


  5. Select the button on the toolbar. The following dialog box will appear:


    1. Send Contact Email Notification for Filterset sends notifications to the primary contacts for all facilities in the filterset.
    2. Send Owner Email Notification for Filterset sends notifications to the owners of all facilities in the filterset.
  6. Click , and the following window will appear:


  7. Click the Email Notif # button and select which notification template to send.

    Note: Only Notification Templates with the Notification Module field set to "Sewer IPT Facilities" will be displayed in this list.

  8. Click Button OK to send the notification.