POs and Invoice Details Tab

The POs and Invoice Details tab keeps track of the Purchase Orders this invoice is for and links the Invoice Line items to the PO line items.

A sample of the grids appear below. Sort records in a grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.

Purchase Orders grid


Invoice Details grid


How To Add a purchase order

  1. Right-click in the Purchase Orders grid.
  2. Select Add Record. The following window will appear.

    project invoice po details

  3. Click the PO Number button and select a Purchase Order.

    Note: Only Purchase Orders that have the same vendor as the Invoice will appear.

  4. Review the following fields. Save and close the record.


    Field Name

    Special Function


    PO Amount

    Automatically comes from the Amount field on the Purchase Order.


    Previously Invoiced

    Automatically filled with sum of all Invoiced Amounts from invoices previously attached to the PO


    Invoice Total

    Automatically filled with the sum of all Invoiced Total Cost fields from the Invoice Detail records. (shown below)


    Remaining Amount

    The difference between the Previously Invoiced field and the Invoiced Total field.



    Enter the amount of money to be retained from this invoice until the project is complete.

How To Add an Invoice Detail Record

  1. Select a record in the Purchase Order grid
  2. Right-click in the Invoice Details grid
  3. Select Add Record. The following window will appear.

    project invoice details

  4. In the Line Item field enter the invoice line item.
  5. Click the PO Item Number button to select a Line Item from the PO.