Project Purchase OrderHeader Data

The header data appears at the top of the module window. This data remains at the top of the screen as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name

Field Definition

PO Number *

Enter a unique number for the PO.


Stores a user-defined Purchase Order Name.

Vendor *

Choose a vendor from the drop down list. This is used to link Invoices to the PO. This list comes from the Work > Project Management > Vendors module.

PO Date

This is a date field for the PO.

Contract ID *

Enter the Contract ID for the Contract this PO links to. Enter a number by using one of the following three methods:

  • Type an existing value into this field,
  • Use F9 to view a pick list, or click on the field caption button to select a value.

Estimate Number

Automatically filled out with the Estimate Number for the Contract Estimate record the PO was created from.

Est Total Price

The Estimated Total from the Contract Estimate record the PO was created from.


Enter the Amount of money requested by this PO. This is used to calculate encumbrance

* Required Field

Note: A PO can only be linked to one Contract but one Contract can be linked to multiple PO's.