Streamlined Tab

The Streamlined tab allows you to record details about the solid waste collection pickups at this customer's address. You can indicate the status, route, frequency, pertinent dates, and weekly collection schedule, among other details. The fields in this tab are described in the table below:

Field Name



User-defined code/description field, usually used to indicate active or inactive.


Indicates the type of pickup program used at this customer location. For example, Garbage-Dumpsters, Garbage-Totes, Recycle-Regular Bins. Note that each type of pickup requires a different type of truck.


This field is provided for users who would like to assign a routing number, cycle code, or route name. This allows you to easily filter for records by route ID.


Indicates if the pickup is conducted weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, etc.


Used to indicate the number of containers at this site.

Container Type

Identifies the type of container located at this site (i.e. Garbage Dumpster, Garbage Roll-Offs, Recycle Bins, etc.).

Container ID

This field is provided for users who would like to track a serial number or unique identifier associated with the container.

Container Note

This text field allows you to indicate any notes about the container for the individuals performing the pickup. For example, you may note the container location or indicate if the container is locked.

Billing Amount

Used to enter the monthly or annual amount to be billed to the customer.

Special Instructions

This large text field may be used for any additional comments concerning this container, pickup, or customer.

Start/End Date

Used to indicate a specific time period for the pickup.

Daily Pickup checkboxes

These checkboxes are used to indicate each day that requires a pickup.