Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab contains the configuration for the modeling parameters. Here, users select a filter of pipes to run the model on and then indicate which pipes will be included in the model analysis.


Filter Name

Enables users to select a filter from the Sewer Pipes module. Only the pipes in that filter are run through the model under this configuration. This helps to limit the number of records the system processes and focus the model on pipes of a certain type, location, etc.

How to select a filter

Pipe Analysis

The Pipe Analysis fields allow users to control what factors are considered in the analysis.

Field Name


Exclude Lined Pipes

Check this box to exclude all lined pipes from the model analysis. Pipe lining is identified in the Pipe Inventory > Attributes tab > Liner field.

Analyze TV Records

Check this box to include TV Inspection records in the model analysis.

Analyze Lamping Records

Check this box to include Lamping records in the model analysis.

Analysis Type

Controls which ratings (Structural Rating, O&M Rating, or Structural and O&M) the model analyzes.

Note: The model analysis reviews the Structural and O&M observation data from the TV Inspections or PACP Inspections modules. When an Inspection record is entered, the system determines whether it is the most recent inspection for the pipe and designates it as such. Only the most recent inspection data (whether from TV Inspections or PACP Inspections) is used.