Readings Tab

The Readings tab records meter readings. Users may enter a unique ID number for a reading if there is a need to distinguish it from others and indicate its purpose (e.g., routine reading, maintenance). Each record displays the previous reading, as well as the difference between the current and previous readings; therefore, users must provide the date of each reading.

Several of these fields on this tab have special functions:

Field Name


External Reading ID

This is a user-defined ID for the reading.

Previous Reading fields


Hour Meter

Other Meter

Display information from the previous pump reading record. These fields are automatically completed by the system.

Current Reading fields

Date/Time *

Hour Meter

Other Meter

Indicate the date/time, hour meter, and other meter readings for the the new reading record.

* The Current Reading Date is required to save the record.

Difference fields


Hour Meter

Other Meter

Shows the change in usage or the pump in a given time period. Automatically calculated based on:

  • Current:Date - Previous:Date
  • Current:Hour Meter - Previous:Hour Meter
  • Current:Other Meter - Previous:Other Meter


Rate/Day fields

Hour Meter

Other Meter

Displays how much the device is used per day. Automatically calculated based on:

  • Difference:Hour Meter / Difference:Date
  • Difference:Other Meter / Difference:Date


Current Readings with readings lower than the Previous Reading

If a user enters a reading that is less than a previous reading, the following warning will appear to alert the user of the discrepancy:

Lower Read Prompt

Important: If the user selects Yes on this warning prompt, the meter readings will be rolled back for future PM activities, and the user must manually change the setup on all PMs for this asset.