Summary/Custom Tab

The Line Lamping Summary/Custom tab contains additional fields used to rate the observations and defects found. Tab fields are described in the table below.

Summary Custom

Field Name


Estimated GPM

Represents the default value assigned from the Inspection Setup table.

Structure #

Automatically assigns the Structure number from the Inspection Setup table.

Cleaning #

Automatically assigns the Cleaning number from the Inspection Setup table.

% I/I Removed

Records the percent of infiltration and inflow that was removed due to the rehabilitation.

Remaining GPM

Indicates the amount of flow remaining after rehabilitation.


Describes the type of rehabilitation performed.


Allows the user to include additional, custom information.

Note: In order for the system to calculate the read-only fields above the observation grid, data must be entered in the Defect and Observed (gpm) fields on the Observation tab, and the % I/I Removed field on this tab.