Adding Records

To add a future segment to the planning table, complete the steps below.

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record.
  2. Indicate the year in which the segment will be added to the network. In that model year, this segment will be a forced selected. For every year thereafter, this segment will be treated like any other in the network.
  3. Indicate the segment names in the fields provided. This is the supersegment name, from name, and to name.
  4. Select the pavement type, classification, and rehab type from the pick lists.
  5. Add a Construction Cost. If you include a cost here, it will be used in the model run budget. If a cost is not included, the system will determine the cost for this street segment based on the following formula:
  6. Indicate the dimensions, curbs, sidewalks, and driveway units.
  7. Click to save the record.
  8. Click to exit Add Mode.
  9. Click to close the window.

A sample record is shown below.  This should help you better understand the fields provided in this feature.

Forced Added Segments