Master Project Notifications

The Master Project module provides a way to send email requests for master project changes. It supports notifications for Budget Transfer Requests and Sub Project Creation requests. This allows employees to quickly send requests to directors who have authority to approve and make those changes.


Who receives Master Project notifications?

What triggers Master Project notifications?

What information is on a Master Project notification?

Where are Master Project notifications set up?

How To Setup and send a Master Project Notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module.

    Note: Since there are two different types of Master Project Notifications use the Notification Template's Notification Label to distinguish between the two types. This will help know which notification to pick when running the toolkit function later.

    Note: The recipient must be filled out on the recipient list.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the notification template go to Work > Project Management > Master Project and find the Master Project that a request is going to be sent for.
  3. Go to the Budget Change Tracking tab.

    Create a Budget Transfer Request

    Create a New Sub-Project Request

Note: A record that the notification was sent is stored in the grid at the bottom of the Budget Change Tracking tab.