Selecting Grid Types to Display

The first step in creating a View is to select which child record grids will appear as part of the view. These child records are will determine what grids and forms need to be created.

  1. Under Step 1: Select a Grid Type, review the tree of child record grids available for the current module. This list is determined by the type of View selected in the View/Form Manager.
  2. Mark the checkboxes for each child record grid you wish to add to the View. These selected grid types establish the overall structure of the Web View.

    Example: The example below shows a Work Order Entry Form. It includes the main parent grid for the Work Order module, as well as child grids for Work Order Locations, Work Order Tasks, and Work Order Assets. The Task grid has children, as well: Employees, Materials, and Fluids.

    grid type

  3. To change the order in which the child record grid types appear, select a child record grid type and then use the up and down arrows on the left side of the screen to change its position in the list.

    Note: The View cannot be saved until Step 2: Select a Grid is completed for each Grid Type checked.