Form Options

The Form Options dialog provides administrators with some general form controls. Each of the available form options are defined in the table below.



Alternate Menu Name

Indicates that an alternate name or alias should be used as the Form's title at the top of the form, in the menu and on the Web site.

Enable Form

Makes the Form accessible to users in the Lucity Web application.

Note: All forms, whether they are associated with parent or child records, must be enabled to be used on the Web application.

Captcha enabled

Adds a Captcha code similar to the one below to the Request web form. Users must type the code as it appears to submit their request.


Using Captcha codes can reduce some of the spam requests that might otherwise be submitted through a Web form.

Show Submit Button

Controls whether the Submit button appears on a Citizen Portal form. This option should be enabled in most cases.

Show Create Work Order Button

Adds a Create Work Order button to internal Request forms, which enables users to quickly enter a Request, save it, and create a related Work Order .

Show Additional Emails Textbox

Adds extra Email Address fields to Citizen Portal forms so that a requester can send the Create Request e-mail to more than one address.

Use Information From Employee

Uses information from the employee's Lucity Employee record (Work > Work Flow Setup > Employees) to populate fields when the employee is completing an internal Request..

Citizen ID

Makes a form accessible to the Citizen Portal product. This field is used to link an external site to a form.

This feature can also be implemented on intranet site to accommodate agency users that do not have a Lucity login ID.

  • Enter a unique, alphanumeric ID using uppercase letters and numbers only (e.g., XYZ123, CITIZEN1). Do not use any symbols (*, #, %. etc.). This ID is used as part of the URL for the Citizen Portal form. More information on setting up Citizen Portal.

Note: In order for citizens to use public web forms, several security permissions must be enabled. See the Group Assignment topic for additional information.

Note: To make public web forms available to internal users, mark the Allow on Menu checkbox. Administrators can then add the form to menus and assign groups to it. To make a form only accessible to public citizens, do not check Allow to Menu.

Client Version Number

Indicates the version number that the client is currently using.

How To Access and Use the Form Options

  1. In a Form, select Form > Options from the menu at the top of the Form Editor. The following dialog box appears:

    Form Options

  2. Enable/disable options as desired.
  3. Click OK to save the changes.