The Website settings are used to indicate the web pages to which the forms are routed and the login ID for the Citizen Web application.
To make changes to the Website settings, place your cursor in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save after completing all edits.
Field |
Function |
Allows opening of desktop application |
When disabled, hides all of the Open in Lucity Desktop tools normally found in Lucity Web. |
IT Admin |
Citizen Checkbox label for copying requesters address |
Indicates the caption to be displayed next to the Use Requester's Address checkbox on Request forms. |
App Admin |
Citizen Checkbox label for remembering requesters information |
Indicates the caption to be displayed next to the Remember Me checkbox on Request forms. |
App Admin |
Citizen Email - Include link to request lookup |
Provides a link to the TEXT version of the email that is sent to requesters after they enter a Request in Citizen Portal. |
App Admin |
Citizen Request Lookup Page |
Indicates the name of the page that displays information about a specific request to the citizen who submitted that request. The default value, RequestLookup.aspx, includes comments. Use the alternative value, RequestLookupNoComments.aspx, to exclude comments from the page. |
App Admin |
Citizen Thank You page - Caption of button |
Indicates the caption to be displayed on the button on the Thank You page. The default value is "Add Another." |
App Admin |
Citizen Thank You page - URL button redirects to |
Controls the behavior of the button on the Thank You page. This setting accepts three types of values:
App Admin |
Comma delimited list of servers running WebCitizen |
Lists the URL(s) of the server(s) used to run Citizen Web. If more than one server is used, separate each URL with commas. Example: http://127.x.x.x:2290/gbamswebcitizen |
IT Admin |
Disable browser caching of xap files |
Forces machines running Lucity Web to download all of the .xap files from the server every time they login, rather than relying on locally cached copies. This setting should be set to "TRUE" only in cases in which clients are unable to run the dashboard using Windows Authentication. Setting the value to "TRUE" will resolve that problem, but performance will also be slightly slower. Contact Lucity if you think you need to set the value to "TRUE." |
IT Admin |
Does the Internal Web App Use Multiple Web Servers (a server farm) TRUE/FALSE |
Mark whether Lucity Web uses a Server Farm. |
IT Admin |
Get Custom Crystal Reports on Web App Startup |
Causes Lucity Web get new copies of Custom Crystal reports from the Document server whenever Lucity Web is restarted. |
IT Admin |
Internal Website |
Specifies the path to Lucity Web. This default path should almost never be changed. Edit this field ONLY if multiple web servers exist and one must be designated to support Lucity Administration for Web Apps Previews. |
IT Admin |
Internal Website Launcher Page |
Specifies the path to the Lucity Web launcher page. This default path should almost never be changed. Edit this field ONLY if multiple web servers exist and one must be designated to support Lucity Administration for Web Apps Previews. |
IT Admin |
Login ID used for Citizen Website |
The Lucity Login ID for the Citizen Web site is created during the installation process. The default ID is "PublicWebUser"; however, this ID can be edited if desired. The specified citizen Login ID needs to belong to the PublicWebGroup in Lucity Security. This group has run and add permissions to use the public forms (Run - Work, Run - Work Requests, General Add - Work Requests, and Run - General Modules). Additional users must be added to this group to access the public web forms. This login ID is also used for tracking purposes in Lucity Desktop. |
App Admin |
Releases Licenses when browser is closed |
When enabled and a user closes Lucity Web the program will automatically try to drop all licenses the use was holding in that session. This causes a small pop-up screen to open and close. We allow agencies to disable this because some browsers might try to stop this and ask the user if they want to allow the window to close. If this is disabled licenses that are still being held by users that are not longer using them will be released as other users need them. |
IT Admin |
URL for Lucity Custom Web Integrations |
Used to integrate a custom customer-lookup product, if an agency has purchased one. In such cases, Lucity provides the URL when it implements the custom product. |
IT Admin |
Use a custom customer lookup for requests |
Indicates whether the Customer Lookup tools use the built-in Lucity functionality or a custom lookup tool. (Related to previous setting.) |
App Admin |
Use the Silverlight Application instead of the new HTML version |
Causes Lucity Web to launch using the older Silverlight application. |
IT Admin |
Website Theme |
Controls the look of the Lucity web page. "Default" is the standard Lucity setting. |
IT Admin |
Windows Authentication Website |
Indicates the path to the launcher pages that tries to log the user into Lucity Web using windows authentication. This path should almost never be changed. |
IT Admin |
* "CLOSE" will most likely cause the browser to display a message stating, "The user is attempting to close the browser, do you want to let them continue?" If the setting is set to "CLOSE," Lucity recommends an agency also use a bit of javascript to open the Citizen Request form in a separate window. For example, to open the submittal form, the URL might be:
<a href="http://localhost:2296/Default.aspx?FUI=CleanGraffiti" target="_blank" onclick="'http://localhost:2296/Default.aspx?FUI=CleanGraffiti','_blank','left=0,top=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=yes'); return false;">Click here to submit a graffiti cleaning request.</a>
If the javascript is used and the system setting is set to "CLOSE," the Request Submittal window closes and returns the user back to your site.