Recalculated Fields

When the Recalc All tool is used, all of the calculated fields that are not locked are rerun for the selected modules.  The table below lists the specific fields updated when the Pipes, TV Inspections, Structure Inspections, Service Lateral Inspections, Smoke Testing, or Building Inspections checkboxes are marked.


Fields Updated

Field Location



Slope %

Capacity (cfs)


Pipe Inventory module, Attributes Tab



Field Updated

Field Location

TV Inspections

Estimated (gpm)

Structure #

Cleaning #

Remaining GPM

Television Inspection module, TV Observation Record, Summary/Custom Tab


Structural Total, Remaining, Rating

Flow Total

Cleaning Total, Remaining, Rating

Last Inspection Flag

Television Inspection module, Summary Tab


Last TV Date

US Collap/Blocked

US Max Obs

US Max Dist

US Last TV Cond

Structural Total, Remaining, Rating

Flow Total, Remaining, Rating

Cleaning Total, Remaining Rating

Pipe Inventory module, TV Tab, US to DS Most Recent Inspection


Last TV Date

DS Collap/Blocked

DS Max Obs

DS Max Dist

DS Last TV Cond

Structural Total, Remaining, Rating

Flow Total, Remaining, Rating

Cleaning Total, Remaining, Rating

Pipe Inventory module, TV Tab, DS to US Most Recent Inspection


Fields Updated

Field Location

Structure Inspections



Frame Seal

Grade Adj





Structure Inspections module, Defect Summary Tab, I/I GPM Data


Total GPM

Remaining GPM



Last Inspection Flag

Structure Inspections, module, Defect Summary Tab, I/I GPM and % I/I Remvd


Fields Updated

Field Location

Service Lateral Inspections

Estimated (gpm)

Structure #

Cleaning #

Remaining GPM

Service Lateral Inspections module, Observation Record, Summary/Custom Tab


Structural Total, Remaining, Rating

Flow Total, Remaining, Rating

Cleaning Total, Remaining, Rating

Last Inspection Flag

Service Lateral Inspections module, Observations Tab


Estimated (gpm)

Structure #

Cleaning #

Remaining GPM

Line Lamping Inspections module, Observation Record, Summary/Custom Tab


Fields Updated

Field Location

Smoke Testing

Flow Rate (gpm)

Remaining GPM

Smoke Testing Observations module, Source Details Tab


Total GPM

Remaining GPM

Last Inspection Flag

Smoke Testing Inspections module, General Tab


Fields Updated

Field Location

Building Inspections

Flow Rate (gpm)

Remaining GPM

Building Inspection Observations module, Observation Tab


Total GPM

Remaining GPM

Last Inspection Flag

Building Inspections module, Building Tab