PO Setup

The Warehouse Purchase Order (PO) Setup module gives agencies the ability to format Inventory purchase order numbers.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

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To access the PO Setup module, select Inventory > Setup. The following window appears:

PO Setup

Auto-Numbering for POs

At the top of this module is an option to activate automatic numbering for POs. If the Use Auto Number for POs box is marked, the system generates Inventory PO numbers automatically using the formatting options selected below.

Note: If the Use Auto Number for POs box is unmarked, users must manually enter a PO number for each Purchase Order record.

PO Number Formatting

The Formatting section controls how the PO Number is structured when an agency uses automatic numbering.

How To Format the Auto Number

  1. Click edit on the module toolbar to enter Edit Mode.
  2. Begin formatting the PO number by selecting an option from each group (Year, Month, Day, Special Characters, and Sequence).
  3. Click to save the changes.

Format Recommendations

When formatting PO numbers, consider how many POs will be generated per year, per month, etc. Then, decide how often to reset the PO numbers (yearly, monthly, daily).

Reset Yearly: YY-XXXXXX (e.g., 04-000001).

Reset Monthly: YY- MM-XXXX (e.g., 04-08-0001)

Reset Daily: YY-MMDD- XXX (e.g., 04-0801-001)

No matter which format is used, make sure to select a sequence number (e.g. 0001) proportionate to the number of purchase orders the system may generate.

At the bottom of the screen is a field that provides a preview of the auto-number formatting. Use the Clear Number button to clear the dialog box and start over.

PO Number Reseting

As mentioned above, the auto-number function can be reset yearly, monthly, daily, or never. The options to reset the PO auto number and to what number are found in the General > Options module.