Accounts Receivable Setup

To ensure successful integration between Lucity and the Eden Accounts Receivable module, certain settings must be enabled in the two systems.

Lucity Setup

Work Options Setup

Work Order Fields

The following information on the work order's Billing tab must be filled out before a Work Order can be exported to the Eden Accounts Receivable module.

Eden Setup

Complete the following actions within Eden to ensure successful integration with Lucity:

Administration > Common Controls > Agency Information > Lucity Setup tab

  1. Select the Accounts Receivable field.
  2. Define the Database fields.

Administration > Users > System Preferences

Accounts Receivable > Setup > Billing Category

  1. Set up a Lucity Work Order billing category.

Accounts Receivable > Setup > Controls > AR Controls

  1. Enter the default billing category in the Lucity billing category field (marked in red).

    AR Controls

Accounts Receivable > Customer Information > AR Customers form Main tab

  1. Enter the default billing category for the customer in the Lucity billing category field (marked in blue). (optional)

    ar customers