PO Receipts Details

PO Receipts Detail records provide specific information about PO Receipt records. These records are added to the grid when a shipment is received and recorded on the Items tab using the Complete or Partial tools.

Note: Once a PO is complete (i.e., the full order has been received), users cannot edit related PO Receipts Detail records.

PO Receipt

Part ID

The ID for a part that was ordered and received. Automatically copied from the PO Item record.

Vendor Part ID

The vendor's ID for a part that was ordered and received. Automatically copied from the PO Item record.

Vendor Qty

The number of parts received from the vendor in this shipment based on the vendor's unit of measurement.

Vendor Unit Cost

The price of an individual unit based on the vendor's unit of measurement. Automatically copied from the PO Item record.

Total Cost

The total cost of this part for the shipment. Calculated as: Vendor Qty x Vendor Unit Cost.

Warehouse ID

The warehouse where the received parts were stored. Click on the field name or press F9 within the field for a list of warehouses.

Location ID

The location in the warehouse where the received parts were stored. Click on the field name or press F9 within the field for a list of locations.

Part Quantity

The number of parts received based on the agency's unit of measurement. Calculated as: Vendor Qty x Ratio (found on the Item record).

Part Unit Cost

The cost of an individual unit based on the agency's unit of measurement. Automatically copied from the PO Item record.