General Tab

The General tab stores basic information about the Purchase Order and links it to a Vendor. Users can also link the PO to a Work Order and record cost information.

Field Name

Automatically Populated Data

Created By

Identifies the initials of the user logged in to the system. The system automatically completes this field; however, the user can edit the field.

Work Order #

Links the PO to a Work Order. Click on the field name or press F9 within the field for a list of work orders.

Vendor ID *

Links the PO to a Vendor. Click on the field name or press F9 within the field for a list of Vendors.

Vendor Invoice #

Records the invoice number that the vendor assigned to the PO.

Items Cost

Automatically calculates the total cost of all items entered in the Items tab.

Total Costs

Automatically calculates the total cost of the purchase as: Items Cost + Misc. Costs + Shipping Costs + Taxes = Total Costs

* Required.