Inspection Setup Tab

The Inspection Setup tab fields allow users to document when the TV inspection occurred, the conditions possibly affecting the inspection, and the purpose of the inspection along with prior maintenance. Several fields in this module have a unique purpose. These fields are described below:

Field Name


Date Inspected **

The date the conduit was inspected.

Note: This field is required in order to save the record.

Inspec Dir **

The direction of the inspection, i.e. whether the inspection started from the upstream or downstream structure.

Note: This field is required in order to save the record.

Struc Insp. From

This field is automatically populated by the system when you select the Inspection Direction. This field identifies the structure where the inspection starts.

Percent Full

What percentage of the conduit was full of water or debris.

Tape ID

The identification number of the tape used in a TV inspection.

Counter Start

Counter Stop

The numbers on the tape counter where the conduit inspection begins and ends.

* Required field

* Must form a unique combination along with the Alt Conduit ID.

Inspection Totals fields

The Inspection Total fields are found at the bottom of the Inspection Setup tab. These are calculated based on the quantitative ratings/code matrix in the Inspection Setup module. The selected defects and ratings (from the Observation tab) help determine the overall condition of the conduit. This is broken down into two sets of numbers: Structural and Cleaning (circled in orange below).

Conduit Insp

Field Name

How the Value is Obtained by the System

Total Structural #

This is the total damage to the pipe. The higher the number the more structural damage. This is calculated using these steps:

  • All the observation records for the inspection are checked against the Inspection Setup module.
  • Any observations that have a Defect that appears on the Structural Ratings tab of the Inspection Setup module are selected.
  • The selected observations are matched to their defects and each observation's Rating is compared to the appropriate column in the grid to find the matching structural number.
  • The structural numbers for all the selected observations are added together to make the Total Structural #.

Total Cleaning #

This is the total amount of blockage found within the pipe due to dirt and debris. The higher the number the more blockage. This is calculated using these steps:

  • All the observation records for the inspection are checked against the Inspection Setup module.
  • Any observations that have a Defect that appears on the Cleaning Ratings tab of the Inspection Setup module are selected.
  • The selected observations are matched to their defects and each observation's Rating is compared to the appropriate column in the grid to find the matching cleaning number.
  • The cleaning numbers for all the selected observations are added together to make the Total Cleaning #.

Structure Rating

This is the average structural rating per foot of inspection. Calculated based on:

  • (Total Structural # x 100)/Highest Distance found in the inspections observation records.

Cleaning Rating

This is the average cleaning rating per foot of inspection. Calculated based on:

  • (Total Cleaning # x 100)/Highest Distance found in the inspections observation records.

    Remember: These numbers are not percentages; therefore, the numbers may be over 100 or even over 1000 depending on the conduit's defects (the worse the defects are, the higher the numbers will be).