Elevations Tab

The Elevations tab features two sections: Active Elevations and Record Drawing Elevations. These fields are described in the tables below:

Active Elevation Field Name


US Rim

Rim elevation of the upstream drainage structure.

DS Rim

Rim elevation of the downstream drainage structure.

US Invert

Flow channel elevation at the upstream structure.

DS Invert

Flow channel elevation at the downstream structure.

Record Drawing Elevation Field Name


Record US Rim

The upstream rim elevation listed on the record drawing.

Adj US Rim Elev

The adjusted upstream rim elevation.

Record DS Rim

The downstream rim elevation listed on the record drawing.

Adj DS Rim Elev

The adjusted downstream rim elevation.

Record US Invert

The upstream invert elevation listed on the record drawing.

Adj US Inv Elev

The adjusted upstream invert elevation.

Record DS Invert

The downstream invert elevation listed on the record drawing.

Adj DS Inv Elev

The adjusted downstream invert elevation.