Construction Tab

The Construction tab is used to document information about the conduit's construction, including the construction date, the individual or company that designed the project, the contractor name, and project number. In addition, users can record the district and section/township/range in which this conduit resides.

Fields that are unique to conduit construction are described in the table below:

Index Number

A secondary, user-defined identifier for the conduit.

Land Use

The type of land use in the area surrounding the conduit (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial).

US Stationing

DS Stationing

The upstream and downstream structure stations as shown on the construction plans.

Sub Area

A secondary group or location identifier.

Design Flow

The flow rate for which the conduit was designed.

Average Depth

The average depth of the conduit, in feet.

HGL US Invert

HGL DS Invert

The hydraulic grade line at the upstream and downstream structures.

Bedding Type

The material lying underneath the conduit in the ground (e.g., dirt, gravel, sand) to provide better control of its environment.

Maintenance Area

Indicates whether the conduit is located in a maintenance area or right-of-way.

Joint Material

The type of joint used at each pipe section.

Pipe Sec Length (ft)

The length of the pipe section or joint, in feet.

Note: All fields in this tab are optional.