Schedule Tab

The Schedule tab enables users to set up a timetable for how often the pump, motor, and seal are inspected. These dates are then carried over to the Inventory module, where users can filter to see what work needs to be done.



Pump Insp Freq

The number of (date) units between pump inspections.

Freq Units

The type of (date) units between pump inspections.

Next Pump Insp

The next date an inspection should occur. If the Pump Insp Freq and Freq Units fields are populated, the system automatically calculates the Next Pump Insp date based on the Last Inspection field.

Motor Insp Freq

The number of (date) units between motor inspections.

Freq Units

The type of (date) units between motor inspections.

Next Motor Insp

The next date an inspection should occur. If the Motor Insp Freq and Freq Units fields are populated, the system automatically calculates the Next Motor Insp date based on the Last Inspection field.

Seal Insp Freq

The number of (date) units between seal inspections.

Freq Units

The type of (date) units between seal inspections.

Next Seal Insp

The next date an inspection should occur. If the Seal Insp Freq and Freq Units fields are populated, the system automatically calculates the Next Seal Insp date based on the Last Inspection field.