Observation Tab

The Observation tab consists of four read-only fields and an observation grid.  Each field is described in the table below:

Field Name


Total Structure

Displays the sum of the Structure numbers from all Observation records. The total sum is useful in comparing the overall condition of the structure with that of other structures.  The higher the Total Structure value, the greater the need for repair.  

Each Observation record has a structure number assigned to it in the Summary/Custom tab based on the information in the Inspection Setup module.

Note: The Defect field on the Observation record must be populated for this calculation to be performed.  

Total Cleaning

Displays the sum of the Cleaning numbers from all Observation records. The total sum is useful in determining which structure needs to be cleaned first.  The higher the number, the greater the need for cleaning. 

Each Observation record has a cleaning number assigned to it in the Summary/Custom tab based on information in the Inspection Setup module.

Note: The Defect field on the Observation record must be populated for this calculation to be performed.  

Total Infiltration

Displays the sum of the infiltration numbers from the Observation records.

Note: The Observed (gpm) field must be populated for this calculation to be performed.

Remaining GPM

Displays the total remaining infiltration after the structure's rehabilitation.

Note: The % I/I Removed field (in the Summary/Custom) and the Observed (gpm) field must be populated for this calculation to be performed.

The grid at the bottom of the tab stores the observations found during the test.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

Observation Grid

How To Add an Observation

In This Section

Observation Records