Pipes Tab

The Pipes tab is used to document pipe details. When an Alt Pipe ID is selected in the header, the system retrieves data from the Pipe Shape, Diameter, Pipe Width, Length, Length Status, Material, Slope, Surface, and Liner fields of the corresponding Pipe Inventory record. These fields remain empty if they are not populated in Pipe Inventory.

Several fields on the Pipes tab have special functions, which are described in the table below.

Field Name

Special Functions

Pipe Shape

Form of the pipe, as selected from a predefined list of shapes.  Shapes may be added to the list, but the predefined shapes cannot be modified or removed.  

Dia/Height (in)

Diameter of a round pipe in inches. If the Pipe Shape is not round, enter the height in inches.

Pipe Width

Width of the pipe. This field is enabled only when the Pipe Shape is not round.

Length (ft)

Length of the pipe from the center of the upstream structure to the center of the downstream structure. This field is calculated by the system in the Pipe Inventory record.

Length Status

Source of the length data (i.e., GPS points, record drawings, or surveying). (read-only)

Slope %

System slope of the pipe selected in the header fields.