Location Tab

The Location tab enables users to specify the service lateral's location, add addresses, and identify the pipe to which it connects.  

Field Name


Connected To

Specifies the item to which the service connection is attached.

This field controls the functionality of certain other fields. If 1 - Sewer Pipe is selected, the Alt Pipe ID field is available; however, the Network Structure field is not. If 2 - Network Structure is selected, the Alt Pipe ID field is unavailable, and the Network Structure field is activated. If nothing is selected, or, if another option is selected, both fields are available.

Note: Selecting both a pipe and structure can cause some auto-populated fields to display incorrect data.

Alt Pipe ID

Specifies the sewer pipe associated with the service connection. Click on the field caption or click in the field and press F9 for a list of pipes.

Network Structure

Specifies the sewer structure associated with the service connection. Click on field caption or click in the field and press F9 for a list of structures.

Pipe Data Fields

  • Dia/Height (in)
  • Material
  • Liner
  • Length
  • Benefit District
  • Trap Area

Provide attributes of the related pipe. These fields are automatically completed when the Alt Pipe ID is selected.

US/DS Structure No.

Address/General Location



The fields above are completed automatically when the Alt Pipe ID or the Network Structure fields are filled out. If the Alt Pipe ID is filled out, the pipe's upstream and downstream structures are populated. The other fields are completed with the corresponding information from the US and DS Structure records. If the Network Structure field is filled out, the US Structure No. field is populated with the structure number, and its related fields display the corresponding information from the Structure record.

Pipe Data fields

Display data from the connecting pipe's Pipe Inventory record.  These are read-only fields. 

Note: Any fields not populated in the pipe's Pipe Inventory record will remain empty in the Pipe Data grid.

Service Lateral Location fields

  • Address *
  • Apt/Suite
  • Gen Location
  • Facility
  • Flow Basin
  • Lot Number
  • Zip Code
  • Subdivision

Describe the exact location of the service lateral.  In the Facility and Address fields, click on the field caption or press F9 for the pick list.

Note: If the address entered does not match any of the addresses in the Customer Address module, the user is prompted to add that address to the database.  Click Yes, and the system automatically creates a new record in the Customer Address module.  Click No to cancel.

Property ID Tag

Links the service connection to the Customer Address module. Click on the caption or click in the field and push F9 for a list of property IDs/addresses.

More information about the Customer Address module

Note: Linking records in this manner creates a relationship with the Customer Address record by address. This association can be viewed using the Relationship button in the Customer Address record.

Address Count

Counts the number of address records associated with this service lateral in the Addresses grid. How to add addresses.

Note: This field is read-only.

Lateral No.

Allows users to mark separate laterals associated with the same address.

Note: The Address and Lateral No. fields must form a unique combination.

Address Grid

At the bottom of the tab is a grid that allows users to store multiple addresses for the service lateral.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.


How to add addresses