Fuel/Costs Tab

The Fuel/Costs tab allows users to enter the fuel type, fuel amount, and fuel cost. This tab also displays information about the use and efficiency of the vehicle.




The type of fuel used during the fueling.

Note: The same fuel codes from Fluids module (1=unleaded, 2=diesel) must be used for the Fuel field pick list.

Fuel Amount

The fuel amount, in gallons, added in this fueling.

Cost Per Unit *

The cost, per gallon, for the fuel.

Total Fuel Cost *

This figure is automatically calculated by the system. Manually entering this field will update the Cost Per Unit to match.

Fuel Amount x Cost Per Unit

Other Fluids

This field is automatically calculated by the system. It displays the total cost for all fluids entered in the Other Fluids Used tab.

Grand Total

The dollar value of all fuel and fluids added in this fueling, calculated as:

Total Fuel Cost + Other Fluids

Previous Reading fields




Other Meter

These fields display the date/time, odometer, hourmeter, and other meter readings from the most recent fueling record. These fields are automatically filled in by the system.

Current Reading fields

Date *

Odometer *

Hourmeter *

Other Meter *

The date/time, odometer, hourmeter, and other meter readings for this fueling record.


The difference between the previous and current readings. These figures are automatically calculated by the system.

Current Reading Date - Previous Reading Date

Current Reading Odometer - Previous Reading Odometer

$ per Unit

The cost of fuel per day or per a cycle of the meter. e.g. It cost 20 dollars a day in fuel or it costs 15 cents a mile. to drive this vehicle.

Automatically calculated by the system.

Total Fuel Cost / Difference Date

Total Fuel Cost / Difference Odometer

Units/Fuel Amount

The number of days per unit of fuel or the number of cycles of the meter per unit of fuel. i.e. Days to the Gallon or Miles to the Gallon.

Automatically calculated by the system.

Difference Date / Fuel Amount

Difference Odometer / Fuel Amount

Note: These fields are only calculated for newly added records. For historical records, execute the Toolkit option Calculate Unit Rates.

* Required field.

* Recommended: Enter a current meter reading as well. These readings (usually odometer) dictate the scheduling of preventative maintenance work orders, and the warranty status, depreciation, and replacement costs of the vehicle.

* The Total Fuel Cost is automatically populated based on the Fuel Amount and Cost Per Unit. If the user manually fills out the Total Fuel Cost after it is auto-calculated, a message will appear stating that the calculation is incorrect. This message asks whether the Total Fuel Cost is correct. If the user selects Yes, the Cost Per Unit is updated to correct the calculation. If the user selects No, the Total Fuel Cost is recalculated based on the existing Fuel Amount and Cost Per Unit.

In This Section

Fueling Records with Lower Meter Readings