General Options

The options under the General tab are workstation based.

Note: The system defaults to the General tab (i.e. the Program Options window always opens up to General tab).

Program Options

This Field or Button:

Does This:

Continuous Add Mode Checkbox

When selected, this feature allows you to stay in add mode even after saving a new record (i.e. you will not have to press the 'add' button on the module toolbar before adding a record).

Floating Definition for Field Controls Checkbox

When selected, this feature allows you to view field definitions without using your keyboard. Simply move your cursor over a field and the definition will appear in a pop-up text window.

Default Work Module to Open

This feature allows you to choose which work order module automatically opens when the Work Order button is clicked or you view a work order from another module. Select either Work Order Standard or Work Order Lite from the drop down list.

Button OK

Click this button to save your settings and close the window.

Click this button to save your settings and continue working from the Program Options window.

Click this button to return to the default settings and close the window.