Irrigation Tab

The Irrigation tab tracks irrigation assets that are linked to the site. These assets are listed in four different grids:

Irrigation Controllers

The Irrigation Controllers grid lists all Controller records linked to the site.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

control valves grid

How to add a Controller record

Irrigation Pipes

The Irrigation Pipes grid lists all Pipe records linked to the site.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

control valves grid

How to add a Pipe record

Irrigation Valves

The Irrigation Valves grid lists all Valve records linked to the site.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

control valves grid

How to add a Valve record

Irrigation Nodes

The Irrigation Nodes grid lists all Node records linked to the site.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

control valves grid

How to add a Node record