Sampling Setup Detail Tests

The Sampling Setup Detail Tests module stores lists of contaminants that need to be measured during a Storm Sampling. The lists agencies create in this module are then loaded into the Storm Sampling module's Detail Test Results tab.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Sampling Setup Detail Tests module, select Storm > Inspection > Sampling Setup Detail Tests. The following window appears:


Header Data

The header fields contain general information to identify each list of contaminates that are tested for. The header appears at the top of the module window.



Checklist Rec #

The system-generated ID number for this list.

Checklist Name **

The unique name used to identify the checklist when it appears in the Storm Sampling module.

* Required.

* Must be unique.

Checklist Items Tab

The Checklist Items tab contains a grid that stores the checklist items associated with this list.

A sample of the grid appears below.


How to add a Checklist Item

How to load an Inspection Checklist